
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Head to Head: LCD 3D TV and Plasma 3D TV

If you haven't heard the news lately, a new TV technology has just emerged, causing most large Television manufacturers like Sony, Samsung, Panasonic and many others to fight for dominance in the market. This technology is called 3D TV, and although it's still in its infancy stages, all the pieces were already set in motion to herald the next generation of Television entertainment.

In fact, most TV manufacturers have already released each of their own flagship 3D TV models. However, what provides the most confusion among 3D TV shoppers in the choosing is not the brand name itself but rather the type of TV monitor to pick.

The two types of 3D TV monitors are the Plasma 3D TV and the 3D LCD TV. There's no obvious difference in the quality of the 3D projections from both at first glance. Be that as it may, every consumer should be nit-picky in the choosing; after all, 3D Television sets don't come cheap, and the little things when put together can give you significant benefits in the long run.

lcd 3d tv

What deserves most attention are the refresh rates. Comparing the numbers just doesn't tell the whole story. Unfortunately, most manufacturers just present the figures to give a false impression of how well the 3D TV monitor can process 3D TV content. So let's set the facts straight right now. Currently, many LCD 3D TV manufacturers are showcasing their 3D TV displays with refresh rates of 120Hz, 240Hz, and 480 Hz. These numbers might imply that there's a significant difference among them, but the truth of the matter is far removed from what these TV manufacturers would like us to believe.

The problem comes with the display of fast moving content, which is due to LCD TV screens having limited refresh rates for each pixel. As a result, fast moving scenes are susceptible to blurring and ghosting of images. This is especially true in watching sports events that involve a lot of running. While 3D TV manufacturers have improved the pixel refresh rates for their new releases, they weren't able to maximize the full 240 Hz and 480 Hz refresh rates. 

Plasma TV, on the other hand, has never had an issue with "blurs and ghosts" in processing 3D TV content since the pixel refresh rates are instantaneous. What gives 3D TV plasma an edge is the newly developed phosphors that diminish lag times. In an attempt by Plasma TV manufacturers to downplay the refresh rates from LCD TV manufacturers, they have coined the term "Sub-field motion" or "Sub-field drive" to serve as a means of measuring speed processing.

That is not to say that the LCD TV doesn't have advantages over the Plasma TV. For one, the LCD displays have a brightness advantage. LCD TV monitors can also increase the resolution of the display even for smaller screen sizes. If you're a gamer, I would recommend the LCD 3D TV since these advantages favor video games more. 

All in all, it's really tough to say which gains the advantage. It's up to the consumer and what he'll be using his 3D TV for. It's also a good idea to check the specs for each 3D TV you come across with regardless of what type of screen it's using.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Getting 3D from 2D and the Difference Between Old and New 3D

For many consumers right now, buying a new set of 3D-enabled television is almost impossible because of the cost restrictions. But still, they can join the revolution called 3D even with the old 2D television sets. And it can all be done in the name of conversion. 

Consumers with the traditional television sets can also get 3D images even from 2D screens. So how will the conversion happen? In order to properly understand the process, it is recommended that you take a look first at how the technology works when viewed. 

Usually, the 3D theater screen that shows 3D images and moving contents are known to show two types of images of the same scene at the same time. The first set of the images will be for the right eye of the viewer. And the second set of images is for the left eye of the viewer.

3d television

Now, these two full-size images occupy the whole of the screen and it looks like that it's linked with each other, sometimes the first image is skewed to the right and the one on the right seems to be skewed to the left. This is the kind of image that is seen by the viewer if the 3D glasses are not used. But when the 3D glasses are used, then the two images will be seen as one single 3-dimensional image. This happens because of the process called stereopsis. Remember that the human eyes are separated 2.5 inches and this kind of arrangement allows for each of your eyes to see an image from a different angle. But when the 3D glasses are used for different viewing experiences, then the two separate images are combined and that the illusion of depth is made. 

The discussion about the new 3D technology is never complete without discussing the differences between the 3D of today and the 3D of old. Yes, there is an old version of this technology. Perhaps you remember the time of the anaglyph method where the lenses of the glasses are often tinted red or any other color and then these are used to create false-color images. 

The end results are discolored images and images of low resolution. This was your old attempt at 3D. And the newer version of this technology brings to fore better improvements that heighten the viewing experience. For example, the current offering of this technology can deliver full color and images in great resolution often coming in the full-blown 1080p high definition. And even the lowest resolution of 3D at this stage still looks good.

The new crop of high definition 3D television sets and personal computers are also different now in a sense that the requirement for glasses has changed. In the past, any glasses will do. But this time around, the new and improved technology calls for a different construction of the lenses. The 3D glasses of today calls for active liquid crystal shutter glasses. Plus the new 3D glasses call for electronics and rechargeable batteries that can sync to the television.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Do We Expect 3D TV in Many Homes in Two Years?

The way things are going, we are going to expect a lot of consumers and homes getting equipped with 3D televisions. Watching movies in three dimensions is no longer just the domain of specialty cinemas.

Now with 3D television getting cheaper and the attendant accessories fast getting accessible there is no stopping the spread of this technology. And video game studio Ubisoft is banking on its popularity and has even issued statement that this technology could be big in the next 2 years! 

There are a number of reasons why this technology is set to rock the home entertainment scene. First reason is the attention that this technology is getting this 2010. Everyone knows the big event in 2010- the World Cup. And 3D television has been used to market the sports to many, and this hasn't failed. The technology even raised the awareness of millions for the sports.

Another reason why they are thinking that the technology will be a hit in the next two years is the fact that there will be faster adoption of the technology as compared to the other technologies adopted in the past by the consumers. Just think of the VHS or other technologies in the past where their adoption by the consumers took time. 

This 3D technology will be easier to adopt because the technology faces lots of support, and none of the usual battles from competitors that will challenge its dominance.

The technology is easy to adopt because it is easy to use in homes. You don't have to be a techie in order to make the 3D experience live inside your home. You don't need not worry about the using the wrong equipment since all the HDMI cables are used to connect the set-top boxes and the television can easily detect and support many standards. 

Plus consumers need not worry about content that will support the technology, or they should not also be concerned by the absence of television units that are capable of this technology. There are now television sets that are on offer in the market that can easily convert the two-dimensional signals into three (3) dimensional signals in real time. What this means is that even with ordinary televisions given the right prep work, families can now be entertained with 3D images and scenes- like animals leaping out of the screen.

Most watchers who are saying that the technology will be big in the next two (2) years are still one in saying that as of this moment that the technology is still at the pre-adoption stage. 

But as the receipts and positive comments show, the 3D technology is on its way in becoming a household item in the next two years. And during that time, it is expected that any gaps in the technologies or any issues will be resolved. For these reasons, it should not come as a surprise to see families enjoying much of their stay at home- while mesmerized by 3D leaping out of the screens.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Debunking the Myth of 3D Health Risks

3D TV | As with every new technology that is introduced in the market, it can be expected that there will surface a talk maligning the new technology. It will be said that this technology is full of risks and that could be dangerous. Well, a new technology called 3D is not exempt from this rule. The moment this technology has started to gain ground and create ripples in the market, the technology has received a number of not-so good impressions and talks that are keeping consumers wary and attentive at least. 

For the part of 3D as a technology, many are saying that there are associated health risks with the technology. Now, is this really the case? Well not quite; there are some studies that do suggest that if you watch 3D under normal conditions then you don't have to worry about the health risks.

3d television

For the past few months, there were some announcements that were made against the technology. For example, they are saying that the prolonged use of the technology can alter the person's perception, and could lead to accidents. They are saying as well that 3D viewing should be off-limits to those under the influence of alcohol and for the elderly and the epileptic. 

But there are some studies conducted, including the done by The Vision Center at the University of Sydney which are saying that the long term use of the technology will not have an impact on the user. The study added that there will be no health risks if the immersion with the technology will be for a few hours every day. Once it is for a very long period of time, then it can be expected that there will be serious complications. Well, this can be expected from anything that has been abused, right?

The majority of the health concerns associated with the technology can be traced to the virtual reality goggles. These carry small screens that are positioned in front of the two eyes, and each presents a different image to your eye. If these are viewed at a closer range, the two images are yoked together and the brain adjusts to focus on the object and sense its depth. 

But when seen from afar, the eyes will be much safer since the eyes will be pointing in parallel. And since most of the 3D viewing experience is done from a distance, then there should be no concern for stressing the eyes.

Now in order to lessen the impact of the technology on the eyes, it is recommended that the user should be at a safe distance from the personal computer-equipped or the 3D television equipped with 3D. The recommended distance for healthy viewing should be two to three meters. It is also recommended that this new technology should be used wisely and cautiously at home since children may be affected as well. It is best to limit the number of viewing hours for the kids to avoid issues. Remember that 3D viewing is okay, provided if done right.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Can We Expect 3D Technology for PC?

3D TV | You've heard about the 3D technology for televisions. The blogs and websites are all abuzz with the latest advances in this technology. The movie directed by James Cameron has added to the momentum of the technology, thus making 3D a must-have technology for many tech-savvy consumers and families. But even before this technology for television can even solidify its hold on the market, here come talks about 3D for personal computers. 

Is this really possible at this time? Can we really expect 3D technology for personal computers? 

The way things are shaping up now, we can say that this technology will soon be seen on personal computers as well. So what are the things to be expected from the personal computer that is equipped with this technology?

3d tv technology

Just like with 3D television, the 3D images and experience can also be delivered to your home with the use of the personal computer. The most important use of this technology in PCs can be seen in games. There are a number of software manufacturers right now that are working with their engineers and designers to develop games that will work with the technology. 

Aside from this, digital camera producers in the market are working overtime as well in order to bring their 3D digital cameras so that these cameras can be used by the consumers in order to take 3D photos and view these captured photos on personal computers equipped with the same technology. The same PC can also be used to view the contents of the internet in 3D and it would be now a possibility to view 3D videos. 

Now the making of the personal computer that is equipped with the technology is not easy. There are a number of personal computer requirements that should be targeted before we can say that the PC in your hand is ready for the 3D experience. Here are some of the minimum requirements expected from a 3D personal computer:

  • The 3D personal computer at your disposal should come with a pair of the 3D active-shutter glasses.
  • This should also feature the 120 Hz and 3D capable display and this can come as your LCD desktop monitor, as a 3D projector, as a 3D television or can also come as a laptop that is also integrated and primed for the technology.
  • You can also expect the discrete GPU from leading manufacturers and these are intended for high definition images to be displayed in 3D.
The main intent in offering this technology on this platform is to present alternatives for consumers on how they can be treated to the 3D experience. And the good news is that there are a number of PC manufacturers who are keen on manufacturing these consumer products that will really suit the budget of the larger set of the buying consumers. 

Plus you don't really need to buy a brand new 3D-enabled PC just to enjoy the experience. If you own a PC, then this can just be upgraded so that you can also be treated to the experience. This is the real benefit of 3D TV.

Friday, December 26, 2014

3D TV: Your Home Becomes The Movie Theater

3D TV | You must have enjoyed watching the movies in the cinemas which were played using the so called 3D technology. With all those 3D glasses plus the excitement brought about by the enlarged images that seem to be so near you, viewing has never been too animated. Because of that, you are able to feel that you are one with the action. You tend to touch, duck beneath, or even be surprised by the exhilarating feeling that is only available in the theaters. But do you know that it can now be made available in your own home? Yes, because 3D TV is now out in the market!

What is the 3D TV about?

Alright, so what are we really talking about? How is the 3D television set apart from the other kinds of technology that are applied on some television models?

3d tv images

For a better understanding, 3D television is a kind of a display technology which allows viewers to enjoy movies, sports, TV programs, and even video games in a stereoscopic effect while they are at home. The technology is based on the use of separation or otherwise known as “stereopsis”, which adds the illusion of the third-dimension into the usual two-dimensional flat images.

Such image is made possible by the creation of two displays of separate yet full-size different images in the same scene. One image is for the right eye while the other is for the left eye. The differences in both images are intentional as they are to mimic the human vision system in seeing an object. What is known as “inter-pupillary distance” or the distance that separates the eyes of every human being aids the eyes to see the objects based on a slightly changed angle which then leads to two slightly different yet distinct images? The human brain processes all these differences so as to create the relative depth information to have the three-dimensional image.

Cost concern for today's 3D TV owner hopefuls?

It is now possible to have a 3D TV at home but still, there are some issues that need to be solved before it can finally become an item in the mainstream home entertainment technology. It will not take a long time, however, before many homeowners, if not all, will consider buying it.

If you can afford one, buy one. There is no stopping at this 3D technology. It may be a bit expensive today, prices will surely drop.. Remember that in the past, only the rich can afford the newest "tubed-toy". Then it didn't take long before television sets became part of every home. 

The fact then remains that upgrading the television set is yet a human norm. When the flat-panel TVs came out, homeowners decided to say goodbye to their tube televisions. Other upgrades included the LCD, the plasma TV, then eventually the HDTV. With another technology being popularized, it is then another challenge to them. The 3D TV is good so far only that its present pricing seems to be a challenge to every buyer.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

3D TV Revolutionizes Viewing Experience

What is all about the fuss on 3D TV? Why are so many people fascinated by this new modern invention? Modesty aside, manufacturers say they have the so called modern innovation right on their hands. They promise to give the viewers a more rewarding TV experience that will surely give you the feel of being inside the cinema. With this, you get to enjoy that big screen experience right into the confines of your own home!

Remember the wonders of the movie “Avatar”? Many people love going to the theater to watch 3D movies while wearing the 3D glasses. But these days, the advent of technology has made it possible to bring the same revolution to the households. The market is about to be revitalized and this appears to be a great idea.

3d television

A fascinating technology as it is, the 3D TV is crafted using a highly advanced technology that allows the viewing of three-dimensional movies, TV shows, sports, and video games all with the use of a television. About to be released soon, your dream of being able to enliven the dream of watching the 3D versions of all your favorite movies and shows is only a couple of months away. In fact, the manufacturers are already busy creating their own lines and are now in partnership with a dedicated channel that will air the wonders being promised by a three-dimensional television.

Don't be surprised then to see something big reaching out for you or just leaping out of somewhere because 3D is all about enlarging the images right out of your screen. Your family and friends will definitely scream and laugh out loud afterward as you touch, reach, or duck underneath because the images and actions seem to be so real. With this kind of technological revolution, you are physical with the action.

The 3D television sets being designed are to use different sets of techniques to be able to present those promising 3D images. Among the techniques included are the multi-view capture or the 2D plus depth imaging, and the stereoscopic capture. All these combined will produce a very realistic 3D field so as to let the big images out of the television set even within your home. This will mean you are going to feel the picture looming before you.

It is because of this recent invention that television manufacturers have started to feel the competition. In fact, they are in a constant race as to who is going to make the best product. Arrays of seasoned creators are now on their feet conceptualizing one model after the other to ensure that they are able to retain their respective patrons and get more clients under their wings. They continue to upgrade the specs of their products and integrate 3D technology. Each of them is vying for nothing but the lead in this technological revolution.

The price for the 3D TV varies. It depends on the manufacturer's discretion and the brand that they will promote. But nevertheless, this new innovation is surely going to be a breeze in the market scene.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

3D TV—Is It For Real?

3D TV | If you think that 3D is a new technology, then, you are mistaken. In fact, it already made its way in the theaters way back in the 1950s. Their presence caused a lot of excitement to the viewers basically because it was something new in their eyes. However, an optimum viewing experience was not provided by those cardboard made glasses and the old technology being used at that time. A few decades afterward, IMAX theaters made waves in the market scene. 3D movies have become more promising. Of course, the 3D TV has also been thought of by very competitive television manufacturers. What they have in mind is to let each and every consumer enjoy that theater feeling even when inside their homes.

Yes, the 3D TVs are equipped with such a high-end means of technology and can now be installed in the living rooms of homes. Apart from the 3D movies such as Avatar, Coraline, Toy Story, Final Destination, and many others, there are now television broadcasts that are transmitted via three-dimensional technology. In a matter of years or months, many television channels and cable providers will soon be engaged in the transmission of 3D broadcasts. In fact, the 3D television manufacturers are now dealing with some stations regarding the broadcasting of news, programs, sports, and games using the said technology.

3d tv technology

So, what should a consumer have before he can finally enjoy that 3D experience at home?

Simply speaking, there should be an available programming provider in the area that can transmit in 3D. As of the moment, many stations are now planning out their moves to serve their patron's 3D channels and soon enough, the rest will surely follow. The HDTV packages are not yet certain if they will involve additional charges or not.

The next step is to have a 3D TV installed in the home. The market already has different brands and models of the said television and as expected, they are more expensively priced than that of the flat screen HDTV models which are also present. Shutter glasses should likewise be purchased. They are the ones that pick up the signal from the transmitter and then synchronize with it.

For those who want to watch DVD movies in 3D, they should be ones that have been recorded using the said technology along with a 3D Blu-Ray player. The cost of which will again depend on the brand name.

When it comes to the cost of a brand new 3D TV plus the other accessories that come along with it, again, it may be reasonable or unreasonable depending on the type of consumer. Someone who has the funds and is capable of the purchase will not have any problem at all. But those who are on a tight budget may struggle to deal with the current price. If the reason is to upgrade, then, it will be wise to wait for another year or so. It is to be expected also that other models will come out anytime and that will add up to your choices.